Please note, if needing a same day appointment, kindly call for availability.


Never Been Adjusted?

Don't worry. You're in good hands!

We understand you may be nervous about what to expect during your first visit. That is why we have created a special page just for you! Once you have read through this webpage, click on this link below to learn all about chiropractic. We're confident that once you've had your first adjustment you'll only wish it had happened sooner!!!


Initial Visit

During your first visit, we will discuss your medical history and any current symptoms or concerns you may have.  We will also perform a physical exam and may send you out for diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, if necessary. This will be your longest visit with the doctor, so please allow 30-40 min. in order for your concerns to be addressed. We also ask that you utilize this time to ask any questions you may have, as subsequent visits will be much shorter and treatment focused. 

Please try your best to be on time so that we are able to give you the time and care you deserve during the time we have reserved just for you. We understand life happens, and will do our best to extend grace to everyone we serve. However, if you arrive late, your appointment time will be shortened in order to insure the next patients' alloted time is preserved.


If Your Mama Was A Chiropractor...

This is what she would tell you before your first visit

  • Cleanliness is next to Godliness - 
    • If you wouldn't go on a date looking like that, don't show up at the doctor's like that
  • If you leave a trail as you walk, change your shoes or take them off at the door
  • Just because you got it, doesn't mean you've got to flaunt it
  • This is the best time to wear comfy clothes (No dresses)
  • Shorts are a lot shorter when you are laying face down
  • Keep your britches up
  • Better to have common sense than a scent smelled a mile away


We DO NOT provide care in the following situations

Personal Injury (auto accidents)

Workman's Comp Claims
