What should I expect during my first visit to Abel Hands Chiropractic?

During your first visit, we will discuss your medical history and any current symptoms or concerns you may have.  We will also perform a physical exam and may send you out for diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, if necessary.   

Will I get adjusted on my first visit?

We understand that pain is usually the initiating factor in seeking out chiropractic treatment and we get it – you want relief. As long as the doctor determines through your initial examination and medical history that it is safe to do so, you will be adjusted on your first visit.

How many visits will I need to see results?

The number of visits needed varies, depending on the condition being treated and the individual needs of the patient. Some patients may see results after just one visit, while others may require multiple visits.   To gain the most benefit in treating your condition it is important to understand the five phases of chiropractic treatment. 

  1. Pain Relief– Most people seek chiropractic care due to pain. During this intense initial period of care, expect to be seen frequently, as we work together to alleviate your discomfort.
  2. Corrective Care– Many issues are developed over years and it’s vital to address the underlying cause of your symptoms.  If we fail to do that, the likelihood of your problem returning remains great.  Be patient, you didn’t get this way overnight and healing takes time.
  3. Supportive Care– Think about braces on your teeth.  Once everything is moved into position you need to keep it there.  At this point we want to maintain the progress you’ve made.
  4. Maintenance Care– It’s a lot easier to keep a person healthy than to allow their health to deteriorate and then attempt to correct the problem.
  5. Wellness Care– We place a great importance on the long-term well-being of our patients.  A periodic adjustment goes a long way in maintaining and improving the quality of your health and life.

Do I have to get my neck “cracked”?

We realize that the neck is a sensitive area, and some people are uncomfortable with the idea of a traditional chiropractic adjustment to the neck. Please do not let this stop you from experiencing the wonderful benefits of chiropractic. There are many different methods that can be used to adjust the neck. There are also tools such as the activator or arthrostim which require no rotation or torquing of the neck and make no “cracking or popping” sounds. If this still concerns you the neck area can be avoided all together. 

What chiropractic techniques do you use?

The primary adjusting techniques we utilize are diversified, activator and Thompson, but each adjustment strategy is unique to you and may utilize a combination of different techniques/tools.  For example, certain conditions warrant more gentle adjustments in which tools such as the arthrostim or activator can be utilized.

Is it normal to be sore after an adjustment?

Yes! Everyone is unique and so are their re-actions to the adjustment. Some people feel great afterwards with no problem. Most people should expect to feel a little sore for a day or two after their adjustment. I compare it to going on a 10-mile bike ride after having not ridden in 20 years.  You’re going to feel a bit sore.  

Do you accept insurance?

We do not accept insurance in order to keep our rates low and affordable. Our rates are often lower or comparable to your insurance co-pay. However, upon request, a superbill can be provided which you can submit to your insurance company for re-imbursement. 

Do you accept patients for personal injury, workman’s comp., disability, etc.?

No. In order to keep our rates affordable we do not accept auto injury cases, workman’s comp. or disability cases. Please consult a chiropractic office that specializes in these situations and can give you more extensive support. 

What conditions can chiropractic care help with?

Chiropractic care can help with a variety of conditions including back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica and joint pain to just name a few.  Often people are surprised how conditions they weren’t even seeking relief from can resolve. For example, someone being treated for headaches may find that they are no longer experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms, or someone being treated for low back pain finds that they no longer have knee pain. Chiropractic care can help your body heal in amazing ways if you just give it the opportunity.   


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 If not, please call us direct at 210-368-2220.

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